Hi! My name is Phillips Huynh, I was named after the avenue we were living at the time I was born.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I like this song!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Terminator 4
Customer Service Representative
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Re: Mega Prayer Night
taken them out, but I haven't been ingesting them everyday. But after
recently cleaning my home office space, I have verses on the wall &
desk (I cut the ones i like out from church registration & ads etc,
coz they look nicer than if I handwrite them). After last night I was
really inspired to daily take the word of God & daily pray in the
Spirit. So this morning is went to my desk & read out loud: Praise be
to God, by His mighty power at work within us, He is able to do
exceedingly abundandtly more than we can ask think or imagine...i
think it's Eph 3:20 ...from the STV :)
Then i thought about the fact that His power is working in me...that
gave me hope, just that thought, then I remembered what I asked Him
for last night & that He can do even more than that.
I want to do that thing someone showed in me in CG - u read a
scripture then pray it over ur life, that u apply it/thank Him for
it....e.g. read: Love ur neighbour, then pray: help me to love
so-and-so, or, thanks God that I can love so-and-so...
i think that would also be speaking God's promises daily.
also I am one of the ppl that A) slept in & B) decided to drive
instead of take the train.
(i usually only drive if i wake early)....and yes rain was the major
factor in my decision.
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Guys, I love the faith that you keep even/especially when the door
closes behind you and you are in your safety zone. How inspiring... I
think in the past, speaking promises over my life has always been
something I kept in the medicine cabinet (metaphor) for when I get ill,
I go to the cabinet to find something to make me better, where it would
be far more powerful as something to keep in a wardrobe, sock draw,
wallet, on the mirror or set of keys... Something that gets visited,
used and returned to daily.
RE: Mega Prayer Night
Man, that is unreal Dave! Keep the faith up and i'll stand by believing in your TOTAL healing also! Love how you are keeping the verses in your daily log book. Better write them on the cover soon as you won't be opening your log book once God heals you =)
I've got a couple of scriptures that I keep in my car to memorise. So when the devil comes along with his petty lies and negativity, I declare the verses over my life.
RE: Mega Prayer Night
My current promise is quite simple (coz I can't focus on too many words at
a time!) :
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." He is so care-FULL for me that
in Him all my needs and wants are met - favour at work, more clothes, more
time, more sleep, more 3-pointers, peace of mind, what to do about family
situations etc etc - I don't need to be anxious and 'want' any of these
things because God KNOWS and supplies what is best for me
Re: Mega Prayer Night
it out' in your email earlier this morning.
I have verses written down on my wall in my bedroom, and a post-it note
function on my laptop 'wall'.
It could be for a whole season, a whole week, or just a specific situation
that you are believing for.
RE: Mega Prayer Night
So I find verses where God has healed people or where God says He'll
sort thigns out and turn it into a promise - one I've been smashing
lately is
Psalms 91:14-16
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I
will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon
Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver
him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My
So from this verse I've been going that God has delivered me from
sickness and that I'm set high, etc - because it's the promise of His
How do I apply it daily? I've got all these verses written into my book
where I log my blood sugar readings - so every stupid day that I have to
go on with this I read the verses and apply them as a promise over my
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Cool theory... I notice that parking is the same at North Strathfield though, but I could be wrong as I was in a rush...
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Now THAT'S something that worth being stubborn in... To dig your heels
in when it comes to believing in God's provision... I remember in
connect group a couple of weeks back, Laura was speaking about reading
the bible, praying, praying in tongues, and speaking the promises of God
over our lives daily... Can someone please fill me in on that last point
"speaking the promises of God over our lives daily". What do you guys
Well although I woke up later than usual today, I still got out of the
house at the normal time... And traffic was def. worse... Hmmm sounds
like a few of the people I've asked think it's due to the early birds
cutting into normal people's time as Andy outlined
RE: Mega Prayer Night
faith-filled atmosphere stormed heaven and our prayers were partitioned
to the Father.
In regards to the discussion.. I was on the harbour bridge for 30mins
this morning. Total bus ride 1.15hrs
A colleage of mine lives 13 kms away and it took him 1.45hrs today.. lol
RE: Mega Prayer Night
Thanks for sharing your revelation. How amazing was Mega Prayer Night!!! God is so amazing. The worship was also phenomenal...praise God!!
I also noticed what you observed, especially when driving to work. My reasoning was that when it rains, people tend to sleep in a bit more and wake up later. So the normal very early risers and are moving into the normal people's space.
RE: Mega Prayer Night
I’m believing for miracles people…I loved the stories that Brian got people to say to build faith – I’m gonna be one of those faith stories in the near future I know it
Also my theory on today for you phil:
People who normally walk to the station will drive today because of the rain
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Thanks for sharing your testimony Hui! Love hearing how great God is and how He always comes through - "exceendingly, abundently and above all we could EVER ask or think". Love the God who loves suprising His children!
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Hey Philips,
Thanks for sharing your revelation. How amazing was Mega Prayer Night!!! God is so amazing. The worship was also phenomenal...praise God!!
I also noticed what you observed, especially when driving to work. My reasoning was that when it rains, people tend to sleep in a bit more and wake up later. So the normal very early risers and are moving into the normal people's space.
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Some of you may have met my girl friend Amanda who visited from Canberra a
few weeks back with her husband. She has been 'stuck' in a low-paying,
mundane Research position in a pathology lab, which is not reflective of
her qualifications or capability. I have been praying for her and standing
with her that God supplies all our needs and He wants to give us GOOD
things! She went for an interview 2 weeks ago, but didn't get the job. I
was quite discouraged but chose to be stubborn despite my doubts and
confessed the word of God that He makes all things 'beautiful in its own
time' - His timing is not our timing, and I truly believe He has better
things in store - like a better job than the one she interviewd for!
So this morning I awoke to an sms from Amanda saying that another interview
CAME THROUGH!! She got an offer to work as a Scientist which is BETTER
paying and basically a 'step-up' in terms of position and responsibilities.
Prayer WORKS!!
Ok, now in response to Phil's 'think tank re: car v.s. train travel' -
could it be that today you went to work at a slightly different time than
usual, which is peak hour so cars on the road and people on the train are
at its max? It could also be the "Wednesday phenomenon", where ppl get back
into routine of getting to work on time (as opposed to a late/lazy start on
monday) or Uni or casual work citizens starting their week on a Wednesday
purposely so they can enjoy long weekends...
Re: Mega Prayer Night
Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
Now for off-topic...
I've made an observation today... When I was driving this morning, I noticed that there were more people on the road than usual, so I thought to myself "Oh, this must be due to the weather... People don't want to catch a train when it rains"... So then I parked and got on the train and noticed that the train was packed with more people than usual so I thought to myself "Oh, this must be due to the weather... People don't want to drive when it rains"... But then I put 2 and 2 together... Why on earth are there more people around than usual on wet days? Like both on roads AND on trains? Doesn't make sense! What do all these people do on dry days!? Do they not work and CHOOSE to go to work when it rains?
Customer Service Representative
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hard to communicate
Well, I think I've worked out I'm quite a jealous person... Debilitatingly so... I don't think jealousy is so evil in small doses as it helps us appreciate things and focus in our aim for goals. It's part of our human nature. Please feel free to comment on this a correct me if I've stepped across a border. My measuring stick on whether or not the jealousy was passable as normal human nature was if the jealousy was enough to cause malicious offset. So that's something that Jesus has worked on that I'll be growing out of and thus into something new... Must keep in mind that it's not just about setting me free. It's about making me more usable... Anyways, what can I do now that I wouldn't have done have as a maliciously jealous person? this is something I should explore and confirm victory on.
I've also discovered the difference between jealousy and evny... For a long time, these two terms have been same-same in my book. But here's what I discovered about the difference paraphrased in layman. Both jealousy and envy are emotions (or who are evident throught the presence of emotions) that are birthed in a scenario made up of 3 parties, the subject, the beloved, and the rival. Jealousy is when the subject is in fear of losing the object to the rival, it is a want to keep the object to itself, to protect and retain a harmony between itself and the object. The energy is set towards the object. Envy however is a little different... It is when the subject is looking at the rival, and notices that it is in posession of an object, and wants the object for itself in order to be take place of the rival (or some other like-complex). The energy is set towards the rival.
Interesting huh?
Well... I wanna read dating delilah again... so I downloaded it, you can download it off the dating delilah website. The first time I read this, it was borrowed from a friend and it was lifechanging... In a nutshell, it's about how sexual purity is a journey, not a destination, it's a process, we can all be redeemed from impurity however sometimes we have something holding us back or holding us down... the evil seductress Delilah... We need to break up with her before we can move on. It's a great read and strongly focuses on teens however can be appreciated by anyone, boys, girls, single, dating, married, or in a family.