Monday, June 1, 2009

Hard to communicate

Been a long time aye hahaha...

Well, I think I've worked out I'm quite a jealous person... Debilitatingly so... I don't think jealousy is so evil in small doses as it helps us appreciate things and focus in our aim for goals. It's part of our human nature. Please feel free to comment on this a correct me if I've stepped across a border. My measuring stick on whether or not the jealousy was passable as normal human nature was if the jealousy was enough to cause malicious offset. So that's something that Jesus has worked on that I'll be growing out of and thus into something new... Must keep in mind that it's not just about setting me free. It's about making me more usable... Anyways, what can I do now that I wouldn't have done have as a maliciously jealous person? this is something I should explore and confirm victory on.

I've also discovered the difference between jealousy and evny... For a long time, these two terms have been same-same in my book. But here's what I discovered about the difference paraphrased in layman. Both jealousy and envy are emotions (or who are evident throught the presence of emotions) that are birthed in a scenario made up of 3 parties, the subject, the beloved, and the rival. Jealousy is when the subject is in fear of losing the object to the rival, it is a want to keep the object to itself, to protect and retain a harmony between itself and the object. The energy is set towards the object. Envy however is a little different... It is when the subject is looking at the rival, and notices that it is in posession of an object, and wants the object for itself in order to be take place of the rival (or some other like-complex). The energy is set towards the rival.

Interesting huh?

Well... I wanna read dating delilah again... so I downloaded it, you can download it off the dating delilah website. The first time I read this, it was borrowed from a friend and it was lifechanging... In a nutshell, it's about how sexual purity is a journey, not a destination, it's a process, we can all be redeemed from impurity however sometimes we have something holding us back or holding us down... the evil seductress Delilah... We need to break up with her before we can move on. It's a great read and strongly focuses on teens however can be appreciated by anyone, boys, girls, single, dating, married, or in a family.

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