Friday, October 23, 2009

Last day at work b4 teh holidays!!!

Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand... HERE I COME!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surii dii animeishin

Wow it's been a while since I've posted... I've been hard at work on my showreel. I'm happy to say that V1.0 is now complete... I'm currently deciding on how to package the showreel so that I can send it out to people/places. It's been about 4 weeks since I've gone full throttle on this. I'm so glad I'm here. I'm learning how to finish things... Not just start them.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Render, render, render

I left my work computer rendering a 3D animation scene over the weekend, rendering pretty much throttles your CPU to 100% non stop to produce video data. With no a/c and blistering hot days, my CPU was getting floored... My boss came in on Saturday and heard the poor thing wailing and shutdown my system mid-render =(

S'all good... luckily I set the render to render frame by frame instead of shot by shot... Otherwise I woulda lost the lot...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

muck around writing

*Flashing news ad*
TV News reporter: Empire city conglomerate head Phillips Huynh has today confirmed rumours that he has purchased Nissan Motors and is looking into pumping zillions of dollars into the company in a bid to create the worlds greatest "hectic" classed vehicles. The exuberant leader, who launched into now humbled and understated fruitfulness with the now near-monopolised industry of Hollywood film publishing and production has announced that his vision for Nissan will be beneficial to all the people of the world, promising to eliminate unemployment in every major city, and by implementing an unfounded way of mass global productivity increasing efficiency of the standard workplace by up to 7500%. It was also announced that 75% of profits will go directly to charity to finally rid the world of hunger which thanks to the leaders ambitious mega-programs has seen poverty almost eliminated. When asked what will happen after poverty is eliminated, Phillips replied "We'll continue to do the same thing we've always done for the last decade and a half... Save lives, rescue the needy, and have fun while doing it"... Nissan employees are tonight celebrating the move, employees are; as you can imagine, thrilled to be receiving the news... The claims have received 100% backup from the United Global Leadership as spokeperson and Human Alliance Ambassador Mobalaju Adenubi has claimed that Phillips has far proven his realised idealistic values to the state of humanity..., the worlds largest forum is anticipating on redesigning its entire corporal approach to welcome the global decision.

This is the lates today from VWBC... I'm Alexi Poporov, we'll have updates at a quarter past six...

*Flashing news ad outro*

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I like this song!

I was looking up that chinese stringed instrument known as the Er Hu... and listening to all these different music pieces eventually teared up when I heard this symphony orchestra piece

Friday, June 5, 2009

Terminator 4

So yes the T800 was an Arnie body double... However, Arnie's face can be explained like so. It wasn't makeup or prosthetics... The body double did all the acting as per normal and Arnie's face as it was in 1984 (birth of the first terminator) was superimposed over the body double... The body double's name is Roland Kickinger and his primary directive as said by the director was to just be somebody imposing so that the actors could have something to really act on. It went from that position to him actually being filmed, and from there, the Governator was called and asked if he was cool having his head superimposed over Kickinger's body... Well done I say... I love The first terminator's haircut... Such a great film technique that has been used successfully over a some really good titles that I know of...

Phillips Huynh
Customer Service Representative

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Yes lov that metaphor, I had my "Gospills" in the med cabinet & hav
taken them out, but I haven't been ingesting them everyday. But after
recently cleaning my home office space, I have verses on the wall &
desk (I cut the ones i like out from church registration & ads etc,
coz they look nicer than if I handwrite them). After last night I was
really inspired to daily take the word of God & daily pray in the
Spirit. So this morning is went to my desk & read out loud: Praise be
to God, by His mighty power at work within us, He is able to do
exceedingly abundandtly more than we can ask think or imagine...i
think it's Eph 3:20 ...from the STV :)

Then i thought about the fact that His power is working in me...that
gave me hope, just that thought, then I remembered what I asked Him
for last night & that He can do even more than that.

I want to do that thing someone showed in me in CG - u read a
scripture then pray it over ur life, that u apply it/thank Him for
it....e.g. read: Love ur neighbour, then pray: help me to love
so-and-so, or, thanks God that I can love so-and-so...
i think that would also be speaking God's promises daily.

also I am one of the ppl that A) slept in & B) decided to drive
instead of take the train.
(i usually only drive if i wake early)....and yes rain was the major
factor in my decision.

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Wow, this is gold...

Guys, I love the faith that you keep even/especially when the door
closes behind you and you are in your safety zone. How inspiring... I
think in the past, speaking promises over my life has always been
something I kept in the medicine cabinet (metaphor) for when I get ill,
I go to the cabinet to find something to make me better, where it would
be far more powerful as something to keep in a wardrobe, sock draw,
wallet, on the mirror or set of keys... Something that gets visited,
used and returned to daily.

Re: Mega Prayer Night


RE: Mega Prayer Night

Man, that is unreal Dave! Keep the faith up and i'll stand by believing in your TOTAL healing also! Love how you are keeping the verses in your daily log book. Better write them on the cover soon as you won't be opening your log book once God heals you =)

I've got a couple of scriptures that I keep in my car to memorise. So when the devil comes along with his petty lies and negativity, I declare the verses over my life.

Re: Mega Prayer Night


Galatians 3 v 13

Is always a good 1

RE: Mega Prayer Night

That is brilliant scripture Dave!! I love "with long life I will satisfy

My current promise is quite simple (coz I can't focus on too many words at
a time!) :

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." He is so care-FULL for me that
in Him all my needs and wants are met - favour at work, more clothes, more
time, more sleep, more 3-pointers, peace of mind, what to do about family
situations etc etc - I don't need to be anxious and 'want' any of these
things because God KNOWS and supplies what is best for me

Re: Mega Prayer Night

like literally saying those verses out loud. or what you did by 'speaking
it out' in your email earlier this morning.
I have verses written down on my wall in my bedroom, and a post-it note
function on my laptop 'wall'.
It could be for a whole season, a whole week, or just a specific situation
that you are believing for.

RE: Mega Prayer Night

So for me phil I speak the promise of healing over my body

So I find verses where God has healed people or where God says He'll
sort thigns out and turn it into a promise - one I've been smashing
lately is

Psalms 91:14-16
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I
will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon
Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver
him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My

So from this verse I've been going that God has delivered me from
sickness and that I'm set high, etc - because it's the promise of His

How do I apply it daily? I've got all these verses written into my book
where I log my blood sugar readings - so every stupid day that I have to
go on with this I read the verses and apply them as a promise over my

Re: Mega Prayer Night

That's mad Davo... A testimony in the making... I remember ages ago in CG you were saying you wanna be someone that has a story to tell... You've stuck by that ever since... So I'm expecting some ground-shake emitting from the Tang household.

Cool theory... I notice that parking is the same at North Strathfield though, but I could be wrong as I was in a rush...

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Hoo Har!

Now THAT'S something that worth being stubborn in... To dig your heels
in when it comes to believing in God's provision... I remember in
connect group a couple of weeks back, Laura was speaking about reading
the bible, praying, praying in tongues, and speaking the promises of God
over our lives daily... Can someone please fill me in on that last point
"speaking the promises of God over our lives daily". What do you guys

Well although I woke up later than usual today, I still got out of the
house at the normal time... And traffic was def. worse... Hmmm sounds
like a few of the people I've asked think it's due to the early birds
cutting into normal people's time as Andy outlined

RE: Mega Prayer Night

That's AWESOME.. Last night was off the Hook, felt as though the
faith-filled atmosphere stormed heaven and our prayers were partitioned
to the Father.

In regards to the discussion.. I was on the harbour bridge for 30mins
this morning. Total bus ride 1.15hrs
A colleage of mine lives 13 kms away and it took him 1.45hrs today.. lol

RE: Mega Prayer Night

Hey Philips,

Thanks for sharing your revelation. How amazing was Mega Prayer Night!!! God is so amazing. The worship was also phenomenal...praise God!!

I also noticed what you observed, especially when driving to work. My reasoning was that when it rains, people tend to sleep in a bit more and wake up later. So the normal very early risers and are moving into the normal people's space.

RE: Mega Prayer Night

I’m believing for miracles people…I loved the stories that Brian got people to say to build faith – I’m gonna be one of those faith stories in the near future I know it


Also my theory on today for you phil:


People who normally walk to the station will drive today because of the rain

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Thanks for sharing your testimony Hui! Love hearing how great God is and how He always comes through - "exceendingly, abundently and above all we could EVER ask or think". Love the God who loves suprising His children!

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Hey Philips,

Thanks for sharing your revelation. How amazing was Mega Prayer Night!!! God is so amazing. The worship was also phenomenal...praise God!!

I also noticed what you observed, especially when driving to work. My reasoning was that when it rains, people tend to sleep in a bit more and wake up later. So the normal very early risers and are moving into the normal people's space.

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Good morning!

Some of you may have met my girl friend Amanda who visited from Canberra a
few weeks back with her husband. She has been 'stuck' in a low-paying,
mundane Research position in a pathology lab, which is not reflective of
her qualifications or capability. I have been praying for her and standing
with her that God supplies all our needs and He wants to give us GOOD
things! She went for an interview 2 weeks ago, but didn't get the job. I
was quite discouraged but chose to be stubborn despite my doubts and
confessed the word of God that He makes all things 'beautiful in its own
time' - His timing is not our timing, and I truly believe He has better
things in store - like a better job than the one she interviewd for!

So this morning I awoke to an sms from Amanda saying that another interview
CAME THROUGH!! She got an offer to work as a Scientist which is BETTER
paying and basically a 'step-up' in terms of position and responsibilities.

Prayer WORKS!!

Ok, now in response to Phil's 'think tank re: car v.s. train travel' -
could it be that today you went to work at a slightly different time than
usual, which is peak hour so cars on the road and people on the train are
at its max? It could also be the "Wednesday phenomenon", where ppl get back
into routine of getting to work on time (as opposed to a late/lazy start on
monday) or Uni or casual work citizens starting their week on a Wednesday
purposely so they can enjoy long weekends...

Re: Mega Prayer Night

Oorah, mega prayer night went off like a bomb... I got shrapnel damage from The Spirit... How awesome is prayer?! My prayer is that prayer isn't a once off, but becomes something that is woven into our very lifestyle/nature/being. I don't wish to be just another drongo waiting to catch the next wave of "this feels cool"... Please Jesus rescue me from such a fate!

Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

Now for off-topic...
I've made an observation today... When I was driving this morning, I noticed that there were more people on the road than usual, so I thought to myself "Oh, this must be due to the weather... People don't want to catch a train when it rains"... So then I parked and got on the train and noticed that the train was packed with more people than usual so I thought to myself "Oh, this must be due to the weather... People don't want to drive when it rains"... But then I put 2 and 2 together... Why on earth are there more people around than usual on wet days? Like both on roads AND on trains? Doesn't make sense! What do all these people do on dry days!? Do they not work and CHOOSE to go to work when it rains?

Phillips Huynh
Customer Service Representative

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hard to communicate

Been a long time aye hahaha...

Well, I think I've worked out I'm quite a jealous person... Debilitatingly so... I don't think jealousy is so evil in small doses as it helps us appreciate things and focus in our aim for goals. It's part of our human nature. Please feel free to comment on this a correct me if I've stepped across a border. My measuring stick on whether or not the jealousy was passable as normal human nature was if the jealousy was enough to cause malicious offset. So that's something that Jesus has worked on that I'll be growing out of and thus into something new... Must keep in mind that it's not just about setting me free. It's about making me more usable... Anyways, what can I do now that I wouldn't have done have as a maliciously jealous person? this is something I should explore and confirm victory on.

I've also discovered the difference between jealousy and evny... For a long time, these two terms have been same-same in my book. But here's what I discovered about the difference paraphrased in layman. Both jealousy and envy are emotions (or who are evident throught the presence of emotions) that are birthed in a scenario made up of 3 parties, the subject, the beloved, and the rival. Jealousy is when the subject is in fear of losing the object to the rival, it is a want to keep the object to itself, to protect and retain a harmony between itself and the object. The energy is set towards the object. Envy however is a little different... It is when the subject is looking at the rival, and notices that it is in posession of an object, and wants the object for itself in order to be take place of the rival (or some other like-complex). The energy is set towards the rival.

Interesting huh?

Well... I wanna read dating delilah again... so I downloaded it, you can download it off the dating delilah website. The first time I read this, it was borrowed from a friend and it was lifechanging... In a nutshell, it's about how sexual purity is a journey, not a destination, it's a process, we can all be redeemed from impurity however sometimes we have something holding us back or holding us down... the evil seductress Delilah... We need to break up with her before we can move on. It's a great read and strongly focuses on teens however can be appreciated by anyone, boys, girls, single, dating, married, or in a family.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

afraid to be faithful amongst the faithful

sometimes i am afraid to do things adventurous with my faith with my
faithful friends around for the fear of a marred experience...

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy birthday to me


Dad just rang me... asked me if we're gonna go out 2 eat tonight... Like Iif I've organised something or not... why has it become my call? I'm stressing out, haven't slept properly in a farking long time... I just turned 25 on Saturday and Sunday was mothers day... If that doesn't scream out loud enough to him that he should do something if anyone or don't ask, then nothing will... I wouldn't complain about it... But whatta shit season... Tired... Lonely... Emo... Get me outta this place...

Found this piece... It's called rage

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cya later hair

My massively long and thickly unmanageable locks have been lopped off
by the skilled hands of HY... I reckon we have a similar haircut, mine
is just abit more unkempt, she seems to think otherwise, thanks HY!

It's been such an age ago since I've bought shirts... Hold on...
What's the purpose of blogging again? I don't think I've had a big
question or thought in a while... What a rip off! I think ok gonna
have to pick me a fight to fight... Life is ever so comfortable and in
stasis today...

Well, I've got a TKD tournament on Sunday... Believe for me to kick
lots of heads... I will hunt for some significant things to write
about... We have EJ's & Diem's wedding + prayer meeting on Saturday...
Oorah will have to take this weekend off work.

Significant events seem to come in fewer numbers and smaller
intensities these days... Or maybe i'm just losing touch with reality?

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busted this on my break today

So I take a late break today, I head to hunter connection to buy cheap
food to have for dinner as I'm training tonight, then after that head
to king at wharf to chill out for a bit, while crossing the street,
look what I come across hahaha

It's been a long time since I've had trouble telling a lady she's pretty

So this morning I'm running late, a lil more than usual... Kept hitting that snooze button, couldn't get myself out of bed! It was a supernatural weight was pressed upon me! But I finally managed to get out and get ready, all was pretty regular, I remembered to bring an episode of Fruits Basket with me coz I was gonna be in the late train that none of my friends or familiars caught... Dreary rainy day, but I'm wearing shorts, joggers and an ugly training sweater hahaha, classic Phillips fashionista... I brushed my hair though. I get off the slow train to change for the quick one at Lidcombe, and lo and behold one of the hottest ladies I've seen in a loong time... Hot dang ziggity zapp! She was some kind of asian, curvacious, dressed in crisp lines highlighting her attractive qualities... She knew how to dress... Black patterned silk skirt with moderate blue and white striped silk womens work shirt, voguing in smart flat though complimentative work shoes, her hair held up with a neat clip but left out at the back. She had High cheeks even complexion with heart shaped face and lips that would make any strawberry or cherry turn green (with envy)... Man I couldn't help myself, my systems were overridden by the male autopilot in my brain... I fought it as best as I could, but found myself following her into the bottom level of our common train carriage... She sat on the 2nd long bench facing the train movement direction, I sat on the bench against the wall (the ones with the stupid slant that hits your head) facing opposite ie facing her with a passenger between us... I really tried my best to keep reading fruits basket... But it wasn't working... I got some reading done but would keep looking up at her and kept hoping that she would get off at Wynyard... I was like a middle aged Japanese mad... I was scaring myself. She had one earphone plugged into her phone and kept me guessing on who she was, her nationality... If she was Aussie raised (ie she spoke proper English), where she's from and how on Earth have I missed her until now?! So it get's to the nervous stage of the trip... The Redfern, Central, Town-Hall combo... If someone is gonna leave prematurely, it'd be now... But no! She stays! And what's this? As I'm getting ready to jump off as we're approaching Wynyard, she begins packing her headphones and phone away! SHABOOYA! I give way allowing her to lead up the stairs out onto the platform... We both chorus down the same flight of stairs, and exit through adjacent ticket machines in tandem. I begin to give up on the thought and resolve that anything of worth is gonna happen... So I waltz away whistling towards the kent street escalators, but I hear her trademark footsteps following behind... Then witness as this lady overtakes me to ride on the escalator... At this stage, I come to realise that with the way I'm going, there's gonna be no lasting impression, no benefit, no fruit, no ones day is gonna be made any different. I'm gonna have to make a decision... Is this gonna be another freaking day at the office... Or am I gonna make this lady's day? It doesn't matter where she's from, what she does or what happens next... She's left an impression and I should dang well let her know it! So what seems like an eternity going up those dang escalators... I suck up my gut, get familiar with the heart that's well and truely stuck in my throat

I tap her shoulder
"Pardon me miss"
She looks at me
"I'm sorry if this seems inappropriate to you, but I just really want to let you know that you are an extremely attractive girl"

"oh.... thanks!"
"uhh no worries, so you're heading off to work yes?
"yeah I am"
"Marvellous day to be in the office, where do you work?"
"Really I have a few friends that work there!"
We notice that pedestrian traffic is backed up all the way from the lights of Kent street to the Wynyard station tunnel due to rain
"Oh ok, what do they do?"
"Not sure, I think one of them is a banker, I know one of them is on level fourteen, and the other a little higher... Can't be certain what do you do?"
"I'm in I.T"
"You're in I.T? Really?"
"That's awesome, what do you do in IT?"
"I'm in training at the moment and am in programming"
"You're a programmer?!"
"Haha yeah, what is it that you do?"
"I work in the lumley building, but yeah I was a 3D animator"
"So you know programming?"
"Not much but yeah, a little, most of my programming involves game scripting"
"So how long you been working here?"
"A little over a year"
"So is this like an internship or what-not?"
"Yeah sorta, once I've done 2 years here, I'll be moved into a permanent role"
Silence as we wait for the lights... I realise my hearts pounding out of my chest and I'm getting the shakes...
"Please let me know if this is inappropriate... Is there a way we stay in touch?"
"I've got a boyfriend"
Big smile"He's a pretty lucky guy"
"What's his name"
"Please tell Jase that you met a random called Phil and that he wishes you both the best"
"oh thanks!"
"Have a great day! Might bump into again next time"
"oh uh... yeah bye!"
Jogs down the street almost le parkour style

I think more was said but my head is still kinda cloudy

EDIT: Oh definitely more was said hahaha... Her name is Katrina... LOL... cloudy head

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No more CC debt...

I have just payed the remainder of my last credit card at 08:05:06am this morning... When this last amount clears, both my credit cards are gonna be showing $00.00... There went my last 2 and a half year habit... what a shit-fight... (takes a deep breather)... Free air...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Must be beyond man

Must overcome this human condition
To be strong
To not be weak
Must tap into the infinity
Must be a man that defines a good man

Must embrace knowledge of self-imperfection
Must embrace the infinite design for man to be good

Clubbing music ftw

Woot, production at EVO VS WRX day yesterday was pretty full on! I ended up having one in-mount camera drop out on me in a Subie giving the camera a thrashing and being embarassed by the whole ordeal, but pretty much a solid training day, one more training day then Andrew will begin paying me more than lunch and shirts =) ... Next training day should be a drift one. It's hard waking up early on Saturday after a late Friday night! And I had work straight after production assist at the video store... Was just me and Mary and we had a good english chat at last... Sigh had a pretty deeply conversation with mum tonight about people coming in from overseas to study and work in an effort to get a PR... It's totally not as easy as it was once upon a time... And you really have to be willing to BE an Australian, not just live in Australia... Can't just be here coz the life is easier and better... No such thing as a free lunch, I can imagine it being freaking impossible to up and leave and embrace a new culture, but hey I guess it would've been something u would have begun 2 understand when u agreed to do it.

Anyways, I met up with DT after closing the video store and we headed to Butterfy's 21st at a bar in Parramatta (keep forgetting the name of that dang place)... Hahaha we rocked up at 9pm and got blasted for being late... But a couple of drinks round the house and all seemed happy as Larry, met a fair few people and caught up with a some old friends that I hadn't seen in a while... Epic seeing lil ol buttz again, hahaha was well worth facing any awkwards had there ben any, also discovered Su was born and raised in Aus hahaha, she seems to have had similar chilhood television habits to me... Was so wierd being the older guys at the club though ahahha, funny how how everyone seemed tired and abit beyond toasted when we were just getting warmed up hahaha... Hahah like hanging out with teeny boppers ftw. Party ended near midnight with the gang heading off to city extra, kinda regretfully too seeing awesome music started getting played hahaha I'll stick some vids at the end of this... But yeah Dave and I being old and hyped up and just getting started at the time headed east... Considered going 2 the city for more clubbing, but then conceded to have a good old men's talk at Lidcombe Maccas hahaha... Oh man the song they played just as we left was Satisfaction... Pure awesome... The 2nd vid is another killer song

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hoonage and new work

Well happy belated Easter everybody!

Time warp..
It's good Friday, a public holiday... damn it's early... But damn I'm late! 7:15! We all have to be at church at 8:00 am for the prayer meeting! Now 8:30 am is hard nuff on at Burwood on a Sunday morning let alone 8:00am at Baulkam Hills on a Friday public holiday! Oh man I had a hard training session last night so went to bed as smashed as a plate at a greek wedding and would really appreciate the sleep. Anyways I said I'd be there so be there I shall... Damn gotta not be late, it takes 45 minutes to get there usually so that means I have 0 minutes to get ready! So on go the pants, in goes the toothbrush... A quick good morning to mum as I run out to start old faithful... No way am I gonna make it... Oh well, let's just try... Hahahaha... It's double demerits, I'm not silly enough to speed on these main streets... So here's there driving technique for the day... PUNCH it until u hit the speede limit hahaha... Well, I can tell u it works... I get to church at 7:54... Took me 25 minutes... that's a PB ladies and gentlemen hahaha

Anyways... Working back at the video store now... That's right I mentioned it in my last post... Been training with the gang on their Australia's got talent show... Man they work hard... Inspiring... So that's my weekend... but then check this out...

A few crazies are crazy enough to organise a run for Sunday night (double demerits btw)... so we all meet up late Sunday night, this whole time I'm under the impression we're heading out into the boonies for the runs, but lo and behold, we're going to old pacific highway... Hot damn, why not call the police in advance and ask em 2 bring the salad for the party? Anyways, I decide to go, there's a fair few of us... Too many actually... about 15-20 cars meet at the meet point... Mainly hard parkers... So the first group take off... we wanna run... not park... We arrive before the start point and chill for a minute, there's about 8 of us... A few middle easterners see our meet and come to check us out in their 4 door GTST... Realise we're waiting for sumone so they rip a few heli's on their way out hahaha... Real classy boys (sarcasm much)... So we take off for the touge... was a pretty epic run, seems that rwd silvia's do better on the touge than awd rexies and evo's?! So I find I'm stuck behind the awd's at a crawl, we clear the first stage and I'm called to be in second place, and punch off again, during second stage, we come across a T intersection and what else do we see but the boys in blue... Nice... So the guy in front of me sprints out into the hills... and I'm following close behind... This was the fun part hhaha, we actually had something to run away from... Pity we can't keep going to do 3rd and 4th stages, we just pull back onto the freeway and head off to Sevo's for some demo'ing at an estate. So you'd think that was a pretty close encounter hahaha, not close enough... I notice around Baulkham Hills, the car behind me is flashing me like mad, I have no idea what he wants, the car in front of me is acting strange to, he signals to turn into a back street, and doesn't commit... Eventually he does so I follow him, the car that's been flashing keeps driving off on the main road and another car turns in behind us and we end up splitting up, then I look to see who it is and notice the disco lights flare up hahahaha... Oh dang... I pull over and he stops behind me, the car in front turns the next left and get's away... Then... what is this? The copper pulls out and goes after him?! Man I punch it outta there QUICK SMART... a left here, right there, another right, a couple lefts, and I'm in someones yard, I shut my car down and lay low for a while. You'd think I'd go hoome after this, but no I think we were thirsting for trouble that night... I end up meeting the guys again at Sevo's, we hang for a bit, too nervous to do demo's... The dude that got chased got defected, he's pretty shattered, but ok... We all go home...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blogging Vs Games

Aiyyy. So long I haven't posted... Nothing special to talk about... I'm a boring old fart... Mortal Kombat guy keeps dicking around with us and is apparently 16 years old... So we're over it, doesn't seem legit... We'll keep focussing on the Australia's got talent performance since that ball is in our park. Now I'm bored and tred at home... As my twitter currently states... Let's get the emo juices flowing.

I Had my first shift back at the video store today, how cool, met Mary, a friend of uncle Luc's from Vietnam who speaks very little english... She's looking to start a life here. I have come think that I am an aweful person in that I have a very f4cked up relationship skillset with women... It's brutally honest and I can brutally honestly say that's most probably the reason why I can't stand the thought of having a girlfriend... It's easily hidden away with the guise of "I'm too picky", but my real thoughts are more along the lines of... "Oh poor lass to the girl who goes out with me... I have no freaking clue on how to properly treat a woman". Seems that I have a flaw (woopty f4cking doo)... And that flaw is called male naturalism... It's huge in my life... Anyways, I'm distracted by half life episode 1 right now... Let's continue on this later...

Jesus help me...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Now on twitter

I think I find it hard 2 blog coz I live faster than I type... So I'm gonna try twitter for the inbetweens... Quite a bit has happened but I don't think I'll go into details unless I "feel" like it... The cruise on Saturday was epic fail... Good thing I left after the meet n greet. I think I would have unleashed fury on one of the people that were there... Honestly, it's been a long time since I've come across a really bitter easily hate-able person... And just when you think there's a friend that you can be semi-lax with, they jump on a bandwagon and hurt you... Argh, the complexities of unsaved lives... Christians don't have it better, they just have their values stored up somewhere kickass...

Been helping out the TKD team in getting a performance together for Australia's Got Talent final... Although we didn't make it as contestants, we were called in to be entertainment... This is gonna kick butt...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Late, wet and wedgied

I'm late, it's raining, i'm wet, I'm in a packed train and have an atomic wedgie... I detest wet weather traffic, driving safe doesn't mean driving stupid... Sucks how the traffic conditions worsen exponentially when pitted against increasing rain levels. Why do they not switch on the aircon in trains on wet days? They know we're damp and muggy... Faggotism I guess. Oh man I hate these jeans, they promote wedgies... I hate wedgies... Couple that with a packed damp train, I think I'm going to turn the tables and smile and laugh... Haha epic fail days for the loss... Finance has been tainted by some sort if faggotism as well... Ended last month less than 2k in debt, ended this month in 2.6k... THAT is faggotism haha...alas, I am far from throwing in any kind of towel, just having a rant is all... Did you know that last time it rained I openly swore at the weather?! Haha and it was topbof my lungs kinda thing, might have written about it
actually. Right shoulder and back is going spazzo as well... Damn I'm late... Haha let's see if I can smile and at least sum1 elses day just that little bit more pleasant...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Comics, films, and AWD drift

Hello and good morning! What a thoroughly enjoyable weekend! Had such an epic meeting on Saturday with Dane in producing the graphic novel! So we moved into storyboarding, oh man we got some killer slide for the novel at the moment... Too bad it was cut short coz he had to go do stuff... But we met later on in the day to catch Watchmen... FAROUT!!! That movie kicked so much arse that even Colonel Guile would be struggling to keep up! I knew that Critics either highly rated that movie or highly floored it... I was kinda worried going in to see it as I hadn't been such a follower of the original graphic novel, but I payed due diligence in reading up on it and doing research on it a while ago before the movie was released... WELL payed off! That was by far one of the most full, layered and thoughtful movies I've seen in a long long time! Superb! For those of you who plan to watch it, I recommend you do some background reading on the watchmen story and characters, all can be found on wikipedia.

Sunday, I spooled out to Oran Park raceway in another production assist role at superlap... A drool-worthy contest of Australia's fastest time attack cars (meaning that they're Jap!!!). Heaps of photo's can be caught HERE! Oh man I got to sit shotgun in an R34 GTR!!! That light blue one GTR088... It belonged to Dom and it was QUICK as a sting!! That thing had no problem lighting up all 4 wheels (GTR's are AWD)... He was telling me there's 4 levels of hecticness they tune the car to, and that on that day it was set to level 2... Enough to break loose but still be in control... Oh man it was EPIC!!! I got to rub shoulders with owner, mechanics, drivers and workshoppers who build australia's fastest street and time attack cars. I even chased and R35 GTR and caught up to it on foot! Hahaha it was driving away with one of Andrews camera's... 400kw in these legs man! So epic day, thoroughly enjoyed, am looking forward to getting trained so I can be more involved with camera setting up and running (which also means getting payed).

I got to ride shotgun in this thing!

And I caught up to this thing on foot!
This thing was WEAPON

Tilton Interiors Evolution was off the hook!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This goes out to Brent

Hahahaha so Brent and I have been talking on SMS and email since Monday... We were supposed to have lunch with Biggie, Che, Eugene and Peter at Vanessa's workplace (she works at the food level of the GPO)... Anyways we obviously talk about cars lots seeying he's rebuilding his car AKA the Gypsie coz of the curse that follows it! It's blown 5 motors and has been running for 18 months of the years that Brent has owned it hahaha. With the stuff going into his car I've told him that it's more beast than machine now hahaha How funny because the thing pretty much contains his blood seeing how much it cuts him everytime he puts his hands to it...

Odd isn't it, how our car's become like our own... Made up metaphorically and to a degree, literally with our own blood, sweat and tears... It's not dissimilar to the dragon from Beowulf... Half man... Half Angelina Jolie (grins)... They certainly are entities of the Netherwold... Succubii who drain us of our blood, wild beasts who prey on our flesh, oh how many a knuckle skin I have lost to the preying of my Netherworld mistress... The Gypsie must be satisfied by constant blood offerings, vampires by the trickling of our blood, beasts by the quiver of our flesh... My beast demands my sick love and affection, my undivided attention, sadistic and twisted, much like Akito Sohma... They suck our life essence and eat us out of house, home and sanity leaving us a writhing mess of defeated men... Alas, we'll always come crawling back to this place... For want of such a wild and seductive world...

Fruits Basket is warming up!

Haven't posted so must most... Hahaha Fruits Basket just got really interesting! Volume 17 and some BIG secrets have been let out about the Sohma family... Woohoo, can't wait to go training today so I can read! Hahaha I have a good 10 minute walk from the station to my dojo so I just read the whole way, I look up once in a while to make sure I'm not lost! I wanna say so much about it, but to then I don't wanna be a wet blanket! And check this out, I've never been able to keep up with series, not even a single season of Heroes! And Here I am on volume 17 of a comic!

I'm gonna be grading tomorrow, Double grading for the win! I hope I have the stamina to keep up... Oorah... So from green, I'm skipping blue and onto purple... I'm kinda looking forward to the sparring, I think I've been adding a bit of edge to sparring lately, non-contact sparring is as homosexual as aids (taken straight out of the forums hahaha), but I been making it intersting by blocking my opponents attacks and countering with freakishly close blows instead of just hopping and flopping my legs about like a doll... Hahaha last time when I was sparring against 3 opponets, I even grappled at them, threw them at one another and grappled one oppenent and brought him to the ground... Wanna keep this interesting, gay martial arts ftl...

I been modelling a 180sx in Maya during work hours... I need to get a portfolio happening, but I'm soo lazy... Even at work I just forum trawl all day... How on Earth do I become a Saiyan in this area?

I'm gonna be going to Superlap at Oran Park on Sunday to help Andrew out with more media stuff... Hahaha I just got a phone call from Anf Bilic saying hi... Will be hanging out with him on Sunday

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Feeling emo

Hahaha I started writing a post on boredom... But gave up... Too emo to continue... I think I'm PMS'ing this month lol...

Let's go to America


I'm a lazy SOB... I'm a talented crazy cat in many things I do, but I have no heart, I don't know hard work, I don't know discipline... I'm good by birth, not by work... It's horrible... I don't know how to get heart... How does one gain heart? It's almost like a given quality, u either have it, or you don't... I'm a good fighter coz I have an uncanny ability beat ppl up, not because I want to win... Metaphorically translates into so many other areas... Who can help me? God is silent...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Following on with my finance

Hello again, I thought that this event deserves it's own post. I'm really excited this month. I mean, really, really excited...(!!!)... So a few posts back I had a post called no such thing as my money ... Well this is like a continuation of that showing what's happened between the start of this quest and now... Disclaimer is that all glory goes to God for Jesus is working in my life in answer to a prayer for wisdom and breakthrough in the area of my finance and the way I see and therefore handle it. What I present here is an astoundingly stark contrast in behaviour in comparison to the last three years of my earning life.

So the background is I am in a credit card debt, and am payed by work monthly, I usually blow my cash on the most unbeknownst things. You would think such a liberal spender would be in possession of nice things and be quite comfortable... No... My reality is very different from that picture. You see, without Jesus taking the blame for my evil, I am a horrific spender, I have a very unhealthy attitude towards finance... After push had come to shove (I stongly advise you read no such thing as my money) I finally gave up and sought God for a solution. It's funny how we only seem to seek God in the 11th hour.

So on the 27th of February, 7 days after getting payed... I'm down to $200.82... Where did my money go? My tithe, some bills, some debt, to my parents, some food here and there, and then I notice I'm down to the last $200... 1 week after getting payed... With an another 3 weeks to go before getting payed. With this $200, I'm expected to pay $36 a week for train fare, $70 a fortnight for fuel in the car, food for whenever I may need it, and any other general expenses including a triple birthday party taking place this past Saturday. Things weren't looking good. And to kick start that week off, I met with a friend for dinner to discuss some important issues... But nevertheless, I purposefully and faithfully trusted in God, committing to all the things that I had said I would, and trying to be as best a steward as one could ever ask to be... So I want you to take a guess... Take a guess on how much yout think I currently have left in my account today... Two and a half weeks on from being on my last $200... Guessed yet? Really... Take a guess... After you have... Read on

So moving on, this last two and a half weeks, do you know what's happened with the finances God has left me in charge with? Like with the good stewards in Mark 25 the parable of the talents... They multiplied! Don't believe me? I'll show you a statement! Of course I had to get to work on my finances, but considering I'm not to be payed until this Friday, I think this is fantastic! And praise to the Lord our God!
So the numbers are there... From $200.82... to $802.95! Thank you Jesus! So how did it happen you may ask? Well it was simply this... I stuck to my convictions and my foundations, knowing that although God wanted to bless me with finance, I needed to say and do something for that to happen, so I went about cashing in on things like petty cash on the 3rd, selling my foglights on the 4th, selling my camber arms on the 10th, selling my blowoff valve on the 13th, and depositing all the coins I could find in my bedroom on the 16th... I payed my train fare last week also through some coins I had found throughout my bedroom and filled up only with what I needed on the 16th to last me until tonight so that I have reduced petrol prices for it being Tuesday. Remembering also that I paid upfront $237 from my CC for Eug, Pete and Ray's birthday gifts so that will be coming out of my savings pretty soon. I've also cashed in on my E-toll rebate statement but that hasn't yet come through. THIS is why I'm excited this month. My account statement has never showed this kind of behaviour before.

I pray and believe that this attitude keeps up and that my mind becomes renewed to the world of finance and takes on the form and shape that God intended for me to live by. I really hope that this pleases God and can't wait to see what the next month holds. Looks like Japan is getting closer and closer withing reach after every dollar!

This goes out to Jesus.

Fantabular meeting with my teachers!

Hi blog!
So I took a day of leave from work yesterday and headed into TAFE to visit Vincent my old 3D teacher, hahaha man was it good seeing him or what! Also got to see Eric Knight, my old graphics and flash animation teacher, and David Perez, the old tech guy... Was amazing to see em all after more than 4 years! It's funny what I remembered while walking through those halls, ahhaa the ground still squeaks on that little ramp on the floor heading towards D101 (The 3D animation classroom). The smells of that corridoor, ahhh... Memories easily forgotten, but not easily unrecognised. What a great catch-up it was, talking about our experiences and observations on TB and the 3D animation industry... In short, it was as I was leading to believe... TB is crap, the place treats it's employees badly, it burns young prospective artists and is full of itself. It's time to forget past offences, and not hold the offence to the current industry... I got dealt a rotten egg, it doesn't mean the whole hatchery is rotten. Hai... sou desu ne... SO! I've got to work on another reel! I will attempt to get in contact with recruitment agents (maybe Khang's one who understands how shibba TB is!). Names I must remember are The lab, Ambience, flying Bark, Animalogic, Plastic Wax... Stick with the big names Eric says!

Was fun having lunch with the guys too, we got to talking geek talk hahaha, about memory allocation code, the whims of Microsoft, and about old school original programmers who used to program off punch card systems hahaha!! Old school programmers who diss out anyone who calls themselves a programmer today ftw! So programmers are born, not made aye? Vince and Dave are most definitely the coolest geeks I know... David's into boxing, and Vince is a 3D artist/compositor/teacher! Hahahaha...

So we have 1. The corridor leading up to D101 The 3d room 2. The corridor off D101 3. The cafeteria 4. The 3d animation staff room 5. D101

Actually, in pic 1. Where I'm standing is pretty much the position where the floor squeaks as u walk past hahahaha.... Man that place brings back alot of memories, I can't believe its been so many years... It's eerie.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I just realised... DANG these guys are freaking good

Hey guys, that last post may have felt short, that's coz I got really distracted... I'll show u why

Raining hard... I don't take enough photo's!

Hello! I'm bored at home... Eugene, Pete and Ray's birthday party was on today, Hahaha 25, 26, 27 respectively! Hmmm... I don't think I ever imagined myself as a 25 year when I was in my teens... It was a cool party! We were at Maroubra beach and the weather was perfect ALL the way till the end! THEN it started raining in TORRENTS... I rode with Mick today, although we finally got my car back up and running... Hahahaha here's an embarassing one. So dad rings me yesterday while I'm at work saying my car alarms going ballistic, I say coz it's the battery on it's last leg, so I explain to him how 2 switch it off, and he does so... Today I take the battery out and charge it off dad's car for about 10 minutes and reinstall it into mine, I try turning my car on and it won't even click over, so I call the NRMA and the dude get's here and is sussing it out. turns out my battery is fine and actually received charge from dad's car, I've just forgotten to turn the immobiliser off!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.... Yeah yeah blonde moment.

MY THOUGHTS! I don't take enough photo's anymore! I missed out on taking photo's of the nam nuong patty that DT made today! and also, what really drove the thought home was this... I was looking for photo's of a cage calmp camera mount, I worked with one at powercruise but failed 2 take a photo of it so now I have no idea what I'm looking for! In the past I had always taken pics of the cool stuff i came across so would always be able to find reference for cool stuff i had come across. Oh wells... Anyways, I realise this topic is kinda boring... Well I want a cage mount so I record myself when I'm at the drifts... I'd like to try video and photo stuff on a dynamic car... So yeah, I'd like to get a cage mount.

So! Have I mentioned I'm off to see my 3d animation teacher this monday?!?! I'm so excited!!! Imagine they ask me 2 be a 3d teacher?! I WOULD SO WANT THAT!!!!!!!! So anyways, let's see what goes on, I'd love to get a heads up into industry.

Oh! and I know I haven't posted anything about martial arts, but yeah, part of my dojo is gonna be on Australia's got talent, please vote for them! let' me paste their vid here for u

Hakan, Lincoln, and Eleni... I train with these guys on Wednesdays, farout, I gotta train harder!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stuff happens, blogs get written

Hi! I was meant to use this title 2 posts ago! but I realised I was gonna talk mainly on finance on that one! so I renamed it! Today... It's gonna a be a bit more light-hearted hahaha...

So my car's run outta batteries... I washed it on Saturday before Helen and Dennis' birthday party (It was a Cosplay party!!!) and I carelessly left the key turned to the ON position meaning the dash lights were all sucking at the power. When I clean my car, I CLEAN my car, I took hours doing it, inside and out, vacuuming, Armor-alling, rinsing, washing, cleaning the WHOLE rim of each wheel, tire shining, and after the whole job, I left it sit just being all cool, a couple hours later, the alarm goes off! Oh no not a good sign, she only does that when someone unlocks the door if she's locked (which she wasn't) or if the batteries died... So I ended up getting a ride with Daniel to the party, I drove coz he dressed as Barrett Wallace and thus had a bazooka strapped to his arm, hahah that bazooka came complete with real firing action! The party was awesome, I was dressed as Marshall Law, Bruce Lee looking kinda guy, but it was so mad to see everyone put in an effort! Perhaps I'll get off my rusty dusty and stick some pics up on my lunch break!

OK! Pics, I did it!

SO! Anyways, it decides to rain the very next day and has been raining consistently since then! I had no way to get to connect group coz Brian took mum's car, and mum and dad took dad's car, and I'm left with a clean car that has a flat battery! Jane was kind enough to lend me hers... Oh! If you're wondering why I couldn't jumpstart my car, it's because it's parked in my driveway

That's my room you see there and it's at the end of the driveway, and the driveway can only fit one car at a time, so it's basically cornered! So anyways I'm gonna have to take the battery out, charge it up, then reinstall to get out of this situation...

NOW... Check out this thought that I had while chatting to Khang today... I can't go out with a 19 year old girl! I'm fast approaching too old! It would be frowned upon! Since when was a 19 year old girl too young to date! Let me paste an extract to an email chain that a few of the guys/gal and myself were involved with a lil earlier.

?Hahaha What brought up this thought? Well Khang and I were talking stereotype AZN's in cabra and how the guys date ridiculously younger girls... I got to thinking "Why don't they go out with 19 year olds at least? What do 19 year olds get up to that make them so hard to hook up with?" Then I realised that if I hooked up with a 19 year old, she'd be like... epically, totally young... 19 year olds, like... do uni and stuff... I'd be the old guy picking her up from uni and driving her out as her and her friends wave "bye" to each other... I'd be that dude that isn't part of the crew but comes to take her home or drop her off or seldom goes out with all of them to the club and just sits by himself why they all talk about 19 year old matters... Hahaha... Check this out... Her uni guy friends would look up to me as the guys that owns the drift car, does up cars and worked for PS3 before it got released... I'd totally be "UNCLE" status!!!"

Hahahaha! It's totally true! I never realised, and I can't rememember when I rolled-over into the segment of males who should not date 19 year olds hahaha... I just had a chat to Leanne about it and wethinks most of the ewww comes from the fact that we'd be at different stages of life, I'd be a worker and she'd be a student... Perhaps if she's 19, working fulltime, know where she's heading, then it wouldn't be so bad? But then another though... She's nearly the same age as my lil bro hahaha... I'd be so a cradle snatcher.

Hello to Passion City Church!

Today's marks the day where for the first time I left a comment on someone's blog! It was Louie Giglio's blog from Passion City Church... Who heads the Passion Conferences which spread world wide... My comment reads as follows

Good day Louie. My name is Phillips, yes that's right, with an S, I last saw you in 2008 on the final leg of your Passion Conference in the Sydney Entertainment Centre.... My friend recently sent me a link to a youtube video which shows your presentation on laminin. Wow, it really took my breath away, that amongst the smallest building blocks which form our bodies, lies the cross of Jesus Christ our Lord... I then remembered your presentation 'Indescribable' at Hillsong conference in 2006 I believe it was, and remembered that more than 20 million light years away, lies the Whirlpool Galaxy M51a, again breathtaking, to think that beyond the farthest reach of human will, lies the the cross of Jesus Christ our Lord, radiant, brilliant. Jesus really is everywhere! Beyond what we can naturally see, larger than we can imagine! But He is also everything we're made of, everything we need.

I also had a question! It's quite silly but my friend Sarah now writes on her emails, LOTI (laughing on the inside) instead of LOL (laughing out loud), after explaining that she learned that from you at Passion Conference Sydney (You're name is coming up alot here in my world!) I asked if the line "kick butt" (apologies if it's vulgar) can be considered a lie? My argument was as follows

"Hahaha I just realised Kick butt is a lie too... When we say something
kicks butt 99.98% of the time, it doesn't actually kick anyone's butt
(that statistic may be a lie, but I think it's quite accurate)"

It was out of light hearted humour of course but she dared me to ask you, I couldn't find your email so here I am on your blog!

Oh did you know that people nowadays actually verbally say LOL? I think in an American accent, it'd be pronounced 'lawl'.

But I think that's enough from me... Thank you so much for the impact you're leaving around the world! Thank you for preaching the Gospel without withholding! Thank you Passion City Church! I look forward to seeing you again!

Love Phillips and the Hillsong Burwood Extension Service Gang

I guess that does most of the explanation! Thus why I posted it... Don't you think Louie looks a bit like Richard Gere? That's what I've always thought anyways hahaha...

This here is the video to Laminin. It got passed to me by Danny "Sarge" Chau... I only watched it today before I blogged to Louie, coincidence or not that the molecule holding every living animals body together is shaped liek the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, I think it's still a really interesting video.

And these 5 videos are from Louie's presentation "Indescribable"... It's like a full sermon, well worth watching... I remember the atmosphere at the Acer Arena that night... It was so majestic... Eveyone was holding their breath... You could hear a needle drop amongst the thousands of people...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

no such thing as my money

Eeek... I haven't posted in so many days! I was actually at the urinal today thinking 'gosh I haven't posted in a while, is this gonna be one of those forever type things? Well alas obviously not! Hmmm so what's been happening lately... Well I guess I've been trying to manage my finances! Oh! and I took a day of leave next Monday so i can go visit Vincent, my old teacher from TAFE. I've also killed the battery to my car, all these things amongst other things, well I guess LOTS has happened, hahaha.

I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with the stewarding of finances, I've been living off $200 since the 20 somethingeth of last month, considering it costs $36 for a weekly train fare and $70 a fortnight to fill up my car, I think I'm doing pretty well (that was for a bit of my background, it's not THAT related to good stewardship - thought I'd clear that up hahaha). I've been making bits here and there by selling some car parts I've got lying around. Today we put a big crack in the big rock of 'bad spending - borderline addiction' that has weighed me down for my whole life. This is something that I've prayed for in the past and have been ramping up as of late. I've got another 2 grand from my CC to go, and a trip to Nippon scheduled for October... I've been in debt now for more than the last 2 years of my life... It's a ravaging cycle, and has never ceased to exist since it showed it's ugly head. It behaves kinda like that monster in the Goosebumps volume 'It came from beneath the sink'. It started off small, petty, then, not noticeable, passable... It got balanced with not much more than a whisper of a thought and disappeared... It came back bit later, slightly larger, but not frightening, but alas, at a command it disappeared again... The next time it came back, it was quite cumbersome, noticeable... But still, got dealt with after a bit of shooeing away... Eventually, this thing grows into a monstrosity that hovers over me and follows me everywhere I go, sometimes I notice it, sometimes I don't, but I'm ALWAYS in it's shadow... ALAS I stand here today with a new hope... Not the kind of hope I had everytime the monster seemed to be ready to dissappear, but a new kind of hope... Fresh, alive and eternal.

My tangible goal is to get out of this CC debt, and save enough to go to Nippon without relying on the CC or a loan. My foundation is Jesus.

So... It's not about saving up money for a holiday, it's far greater than that, it's about changing an unchangeable mindset and unhindering lifestyle to one that lines up with God's original plans and purposes for me. This holiday, the holidays to come, my future cars, houses, my future wife's engagement ring, and all that jazz will be fruit of what this is about.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;

2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

So God created it all so it's all His, everything that I've ever owned, known, or seen all belongs to Him. All the pennies I've ever spent or thrown away, or the purchases I've made, they're all His. So if it's all His, then why do I have it? If it's all His, and I have some, why can't I have ALOT of it?

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, b]">[b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Ahhh! Thank you Mr. Jesse Duplantis! It seems that everything we've ever owned, and will ever own has been given to us by God to watch take stewardship over. Hey check the web definition I found for the word steward! Someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else. That sounds pretty good! If God owns EVERYTHING and he's called me to manage His things, that means I have access to HEAPS of things! Alas, why does it seem that I don't have all these things? Check out the parable of Talents.

Mark 25:14"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them.

15To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

16The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.

17So also, the one with the two talents gained two more.

18But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.

19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.

20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'

21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

22"The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'

23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

24"Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.

25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'

26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?

27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28" 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents.

29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.

30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

Argh! Did you know that a talent is more than a thousand dollars? SO... It looks like this is what is required from me! I long to be fruitful! I long to be abundant! I long to be living according to the design, plan and purpose that God created for me! So anyways, how does that look?

Well I think alot of it has to do with my mind and my thinking, the money I earn isn't mine, but it's God entrusting it to me, so I have to be wise, diligent and purposeful in what I do with it. Sure this may seem logical enough, and one can argue that the principles (of wisdom, diligence and purpose) can be samely applied in my past circumstances before this revelation and would have resulted in the same outcome. I think the difference lies in the understanding that finance belongs to God and is ENTRUSTED to us to steward. So instead of wanting to be wise, diligent and purposeful with our finance for a secure future (or whatever else), we are wanting to be wise, diligent and purposeful with our finance to please God who created all things and who is generous and able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams (shivers up the spine). Also, disrespecting another person's property is not very nice, so I must respect what I have been entrusted with.

Oh I still haven't mentioned how this all looks yet... Well I'm now committed to a set offering for every connect group and youth night which goes above my tithes and offerings... I'm in the mindset that these finances are not mine, so will be generous when the time call's for it, yet not reckless with it. I will also continue to honour my parents with my monthly offering to them.

So! I am believeing that these are the steps I have to take in order to see myself released from this monster!
BTW, do you wanna know how that monster from goosebumps was defeated? Hahaha how coincidental... The monster was deafeated by love... The more love you showed it, the more it shrunk and became weak and insignificant... Eventually, with a sigh, it disappeared. Hahaha God is love...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bland thoughts? Or am I afraid of not being understood?

Hello, perhaps my thoughts have been bland as of late, or perhaps maybe I just have been keeping them to myself! I guess it may be like the principle of one person's trash is another's treasure, but just reciprocated so more like one person's treasure may be another's trash hahaha. Well this is a public blog after all and writing down all the thoughts that are dear to me will just end up confusing everyone but me. I guess it's the same for everyone, every person. We have thoughts and we have communication, communication really doesn't encapsulate much of our thoughts at all, be it speech, song, art... It sometimes saddens me that we will never experience the thought that an author or artist experienced that drove them to complete a piece of art. Maybe that's what makes me such an oddity when it comes to communicating ideas, thoughts, emotions. Hahaha it can be really confusing for the poor receiver, but it's only because I really love them and want them to share in a treasure that I came across. It sometimes get's quite lonely because I know no one else get's it... But you know what's really awesome? That there is a God that created us and knows everything about us, all our thoughts, all our dreams, all our desires, all our experiences, all our evils... So even when it feels like there's no one I can communicate effectively to, there is a God that understands 120% of where I'm coming from... hahaha even moreso than me! After all, He created me and put all these things inside me... So this goes out to Jesus... My God...

Sometimes all we ever want is to be understood... To be validated... To be recognised... It's easy to feel selfish for want of such things as there are so many other things commanding our attention and focus... But like Mary and Martha:

Luke 10:38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.
39She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.
40But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

41"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Jesus validates me... Jesus knows me... Jesus loves me in that way which I need... You know those moments when you're with a best friend and have this innocent moment of 100% pure understanding of each other? Isn't that just a most validating moment! Those life-validating moments flow out of just being friends, it's not a trying in chasing those things that make 'special' moments that is gonna make us best friends... Jesus wants us to be His friends, all these things that we crave for so much just follow...

Jesus just wants us to sit by His side and to be in a communion with Him... Not worry about all these things that that command us to a task no matter how righteous they may seem... He wants to validate us, show us that He understands us. Make us feel filfilled, accepted, understood, loved, appreciated... Like we are the Kings and Queens of this world... This world is our Oyster and we have command of it as far as Jesus is concernced!! Oh what a passionate guy He must be! Everything else is peripheral and we are no longer a slave to these worldy-task-oriented things, but instead, we become stewards of it...

This is Elizabeth, by Michael Hannah... I came across this song by a happy accident during my dreary time at Team Bondi on internet radio, I haven't heard it since and was elated when I came across it again by eventuality thanks to youtube! First comment on the vid is mine!