I walked out the gate thinking "Oh sweet! Motorkhana!" then I realised that it's something that my bro got up to during drunken randomness.
Anyways, I'm such a klutz! I left my car keys at work yesterday! I was on the train to Nth Strathfield and was looking forward to training then realised "Oh no I forgot to ask Brian if I could have his shin + instep guards" then in some form common acknowledgment, my thoughts became "Phil you don't have your keys" and fair enough, I checked my bag and there were no keys to be found. I was really hoping that I'd left them at work coz I have no idea where the spares have gone! Well to tell you the truth, the keys that I had just lost WERE the spare keys! Yes, yes I'm bad. Well at least the good news is, I found my keys at my desk today, I hope my car is still there! But that's ok, there's not much you can do with a car that is without a steering wheel *grins*
Hahaha I got two songs stuck in my head today! One is thanks to Laura and Khang, and their ADDICTION to Ouran High School Host Club... The song is... "Sakura Kiss"
Hahaha I haven't seen the anime yet but isn't this song just the darndest?! I have to finish Fruits Basket so I can move on to watch this, I just finished book 8, Laura! Jeanette! I need the next 3 please! I love how the manga has the author's musings and outtakes, I think I secretly draw blogging inspiration from them! Muahahahaha
Oh and the second song is from Morning Musume - Furusato, that's because Khang sent me a clip from Hello Project hour and Natsumi Abe starts singing this song out to Erika Umeda's drumming, here's a clip of the song...
Oorah it's Friday! That means youth is on tonight! I should be getting the video of the motorkhana from David so I will post them up soon.
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