So I took a day of leave from work yesterday and headed into TAFE to visit Vincent my old 3D teacher, hahaha man was it good seeing him or what! Also got to see Eric Knight, my old graphics and flash animation teacher, and David Perez, the old tech guy... Was amazing to see em all after more than 4 years! It's funny what I remembered while walking through those halls, ahhaa the ground still squeaks on that little ramp on the floor heading towards D101 (The 3D animation classroom). The smells of that corridoor, ahhh... Memories easily forgotten, but not easily unrecognised. What a great catch-up it was, talking about our experiences and observations on TB and the 3D animation industry... In short, it was as I was leading to believe... TB is crap, the place treats it's employees badly, it burns young prospective artists and is full of itself. It's time to forget past offences, and not hold the offence to the current industry... I got dealt a rotten egg, it doesn't mean the whole hatchery is rotten. Hai... sou desu ne... SO! I've got to work on another reel! I will attempt to get in contact with recruitment agents (maybe Khang's one who understands how shibba TB is!). Names I must remember are The lab, Ambience, flying Bark, Animalogic, Plastic Wax... Stick with the big names Eric says!
Was fun having lunch with the guys too, we got to talking geek talk hahaha, about memory allocation code, the whims of Microsoft, and about old school original programmers who used to program off punch card systems hahaha!! Old school programmers who diss out anyone who calls themselves a programmer today ftw! So programmers are born, not made aye? Vince and Dave are most definitely the coolest geeks I know... David's into boxing, and Vince is a 3D artist/compositor/teacher! Hahahaha...
So we have 1. The corridor leading up to D101 The 3d room 2. The corridor off D101 3. The cafeteria 4. The 3d animation staff room 5. D101
Actually, in pic 1. Where I'm standing is pretty much the position where the floor squeaks as u walk past hahahaha.... Man that place brings back alot of memories, I can't believe its been so many years... It's eerie.
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