So my car's run outta batteries... I washed it on Saturday before Helen and Dennis' birthday party (It was a Cosplay party!!!) and I carelessly left the key turned to the ON position meaning the dash lights were all sucking at the power. When I clean my car, I CLEAN my car, I took hours doing it, inside and out, vacuuming, Armor-alling, rinsing, washing, cleaning the WHOLE rim of each wheel, tire shining, and after the whole job, I left it sit just being all cool, a couple hours later, the alarm goes off! Oh no not a good sign, she only does that when someone unlocks the door if she's locked (which she wasn't) or if the batteries died... So I ended up getting a ride with Daniel to the party, I drove coz he dressed as Barrett Wallace and thus had a bazooka strapped to his arm, hahah that bazooka came complete with real firing action! The party was awesome, I was dressed as Marshall Law, Bruce Lee looking kinda guy, but it was so mad to see everyone put in an effort! Perhaps I'll get off my rusty dusty and stick some pics up on my lunch break!

OK! Pics, I did it!
SO! Anyways, it decides to rain the very next day and has been raining consistently since then! I had no way to get to connect group coz Brian took mum's car, and mum and dad took dad's car, and I'm left with a clean car that has a flat battery! Jane was kind enough to lend me hers... Oh! If you're wondering why I couldn't jumpstart my car, it's because it's parked in my driveway
That's my room you see there and it's at the end of the driveway, and the driveway can only fit one car at a time, so it's basically cornered! So anyways I'm gonna have to take the battery out, charge it up, then reinstall to get out of this situation...
NOW... Check out this thought that I had while chatting to Khang today... I can't go out with a 19 year old girl! I'm fast approaching too old! It would be frowned upon! Since when was a 19 year old girl too young to date! Let me paste an extract to an email chain that a few of the guys/gal and myself were involved with a lil earlier.
?Hahaha What brought up this thought? Well Khang and I were talking stereotype AZN's in cabra and how the guys date ridiculously younger girls... I got to thinking "Why don't they go out with 19 year olds at least? What do 19 year olds get up to that make them so hard to hook up with?" Then I realised that if I hooked up with a 19 year old, she'd be like... epically, totally young... 19 year olds, like... do uni and stuff... I'd be the old guy picking her up from uni and driving her out as her and her friends wave "bye" to each other... I'd be that dude that isn't part of the crew but comes to take her home or drop her off or seldom goes out with all of them to the club and just sits by himself why they all talk about 19 year old matters... Hahaha... Check this out... Her uni guy friends would look up to me as the guys that owns the drift car, does up cars and worked for PS3 before it got released... I'd totally be "UNCLE" status!!!"
Hahahaha! It's totally true! I never realised, and I can't rememember when I rolled-over into the segment of males who should not date 19 year olds hahaha... I just had a chat to Leanne about it and wethinks most of the ewww comes from the fact that we'd be at different stages of life, I'd be a worker and she'd be a student... Perhaps if she's 19, working fulltime, know where she's heading, then it wouldn't be so bad? But then another though... She's nearly the same age as my lil bro hahaha... I'd be so a cradle snatcher.
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